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    Wednesday, September 5th, 2012. tags: ,

    I’m happy to share two citation styles i wrote up based on the demands of some CUNY students, that will generate and allow you to export a list of Zotero entries with only name, title and call number in order to bring your lists to a physical library (if you still visit them!) and grab the books you need. The list is sorted by call number.


    Basic style (generates straight list)

    CSV style (comma separated value, for importation into spreadsheet software).

    Install (you’ll only have to do this once for either style):

    1. Tools > zotero to show zotero window
    2. click the gear and select Preferences
    3. Choose Cite tab, then choose styles tab within that tab
    4. Click the “+” button. choose the downloaded style.

    To Use

    Select your items, right click and choose “Create bibliography from selected items” and choose the bibliographic style “Call Number and Title Export” for the normal list.
    For the CSV list, an extra step is required:
    1. Generate your bibliography to your clipboard.
    2. Open a text editor (notepad on Windows is fine, textedit on Mac, etc) and paste the contents (ctrl V on win)
    3. Save this text file with a CSV extension, no other. so myreferences.csv as the full name.
    You can now open this file in any database software (excel, etc) to use for sorting, color coding, adding library names, etc.
    Enjoy, and please post comments if you need help.